Brotherhood is the foundation of our fraternity and the origin of its success.
Lambda Chi Alpha is a home away from home. For decades, the San Diego-based Zeta-Pi Zeta and Delta-Kappa Zeta chapters have been an outlet for members to join hands for brotherhood-building and philanthropic projects, extending beyond graduation as alumni. We forge lifetime bonds, hone our leadership skills, and push each other to be better people in society. While brotherhood comes first, we are a bona fide business, so the leadership experience is real and tangible. Today the brotherhood in San Diego continues under the Regional Associate Chapter structure.
You only have four years in college, and it’s no longer enough to just get a college degree. The successes of our 1300+ alumni from SDSU and over 700 from University of San Diego speak volumes about the shared core values that create the breeding grounds for the future.
Our brotherhood is built upon lessons learned, a sense of humility, and the co-curricular environment that compliments your college education and beyond. This extends beyond the campus’s walls into your personal and professional life. We build true friendships that last a lifetime.
If you are a student interested in learning more, or if you're an alumnus that would like to refer a prospective member, please click the button below and complete the Prospective Member Form. A member of the Regional Associate Chapter team will then reach out to each prospective member who completes the form.