College is a pivotal point in a young man’s life where he truly begins to shape his identity. This is a time when many men begin to understand who they are and how to make their own decisions. In the midst of that self-discovery, many men seek a place to belong and something to stand for. Lambda Chi Alpha answers that call.

Generational Empowerment

At Lambda Chi, we have a clear understanding of today’s students. Time after time, we have helped men of different backgrounds and perspectives overcome unique generational challenges. As the workforce requirements, technological advancements, and societal expectations change and evolve, Lambda Chi remains committed to creating a powerful organization of authentic and mission-driven men.

Equal Membership

Members experience Lambda Chi life from day one without competing for loyalty or pride. From the moment a brother chooses Lambda Chi, we educate them on our history and values and show them what it means to lead with purpose and service. Brothers accept and welcome our new members for who they are and who they will become.

Selfless Service

We serve by advocating for others and making intentional change. Our leadership model enables men to support their local communities where they need help most. Giving back is a personal priority to each and every one of us.

Lifelong Leadership

College is the start of it all, but the benefits of Lambda Chi brotherhood reach new heights when a man finds ways, at every stage of his life, to bring his best self to his family, industry, and community. Lambda Chi equips our brothers to embody leadership on and off campus, and in everything they do.